Meeting Minutes -- 2002 to the Present

Peregrine Falcon

General membership meetings of the Three Rivers Birding Club are now held on the first Wednesday of the even numbered months (Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec) of the year.* At each meeting minutes are taken covering both the business portion and the featured program for the evening. During the business meeting club officers give reports on the upcoming newsletter, financial and membership status, developments on our websites, upcoming outings, recent bird sightings, and other important announcements. The featured programs include a wide variety of speakers on various bird-related topics and our annual 'slide slam,' when members present photos they have taken during the year.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our meetings have been held virtually via the Zoom platform beginning with our August 2020 meeting. Plans are to change this format to hybrid meetings with in-person and Zoom presentations starting in April 2023..

*In the first five years, club meetings were held on the odd numbered months except for April — Jan, Mar, Apr, Jul, Sep, Nov.

2025 Meeting Minutes:

    February 5, 2025    featuring Scott Weidensaul, "A World on the Wing: The Global Odyssey of Migratory Birds" - 112+ attendees via Zoom

Archived Meeting Minutes:

The Archived Meeting Minutes are complete. The compilation only includes the meeting minutes from September 2002 through 2024 as diligently recorded by Pat and Sherron Lynch and Frank Moone with some substitutes along the way.

To use this list, hover your cursor over a selected year, and a box containing all the minutes available from that year will appear. Click on the blue date of the minutes you would like to read, and the minutes will appear in a new tab.

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Mission of 3RBC

To gather in friendship, to enjoy the wonders of nature and to share our passion for birds!

© Photo Credits:
Sherron Lynch, Tom Moeller, Brian Shema, Chuck Tague