About the Club

Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) — Photo© by Faniero Massoli-Novelli

The Three Rivers Birding Club was formed in July of 2001. Today, there are over 450 members who appreciate birds and the natural world of Southwestern Pennsylvania. Our members are diverse: we have naturalists, teachers, plumbers, electricians, chemists, laborers, students, retirees, doctors, and others.

First and foremost, we have many birding outings to locations in Western Pennsylvania and beyond. We meet 6 times a year bringing in the most outstanding speakers we can find to discuss topics on birds and birding accompanied by digital presentations of their photos. Each December we let members present their own photos taken during the year in a annual digital 'slide-slam.'

And, we socialize with each other a lot, at meetings and outings, because we are birders who like the company of other birders.

Other Three Rivers Birding Club activities and projects are collecting and cataloguing bird populations, record keeping for Important Bird Areas (IBAs) and breeding bird surveys, as well as participation in North American Migration Counts and Christmas Bird Counts (CBCs).

The club's newsletter, The Peregrine, is a bi-monthly newsletter mailed to members. This newsletter is named for Pittsburgh's most spectacular resident bird, the Peregrine Falcon. Articles that are regular features include meeting descriptions, dates and locations, club outings scheduled for each season, short reports of recent club events, recent bird sightings, and a message from the President including news, plans, and discussion about the club.

In addition to the newsletter, we have this website, 3rbc.org, and our Facebook page where members and non-members can receive up-to-date information on outings, reports from outings, and special notices that may not appear in the newsletter. It is our goal to maintain these websites that are first-class for a birding club that will provide members and non-members information about birding in and around Western Pennsylvania.

The club is operated by a Board composed of the officers and other active members.

Officers of the Club for 2025

3RBC Board Members include the club officers below.

Other Committee Leaders and active members in the club (not part of the Board):

Image Gallery

Mission of 3RBC

To gather in friendship, to enjoy the wonders of nature, and to share our passion for birds!

© Photo Credits:
Sherron Lynch, Brian Shema, Chuck Tague