If you haven't joined the Three Rivers Birding Club, now is a good time!
The membership year runs from the end of each quarter (March 31, June 30, September 30, December 31) through the end of that quarter in the following year.
The dues for our five levels of membership are below:
Join the Club!

Individual: annual dues for one person $15.00
Family: annual dues for 2 or more persons living at one address $20.00
Contributing: annual dues for anyone at your address $50.00
Sustaining: annual dues for anyone at your address $100.00
Student/Youth: annual dues for those who are under age 19 or full-time students FREE
As a member, you may choose to view the digital version of our newsletter The Peregrine online and receive a paper copy in the mail
or only view the digital version online. Your choice! Dues are the same either way. Let us know your preference when you join.
Downloadable membership form in PDF format: 3RBC Membership Application
Send your completed application and payment to this address:
Three Rivers Birding Club
c/o Thomas Moeller
6357 Ebdy Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15217-3035
You can also pay dues using your PayPal account with the link below:
Renewing Memberships
If you make a renewal payment through PayPal, please email our Treasurer Tom Moeller (thosjmoel@gmail.com) with your name and to let him know for what you have made your payment. Please be specific.New Memberships in Three Rivers Birding Club
If you are making a payment through PayPal as a new member, please email our Treasurer Tom Moeller (thosjmoel@gmail.com) with your particulars as spelled out in the membership application above:name, membership level, email address, home address, telephone number, and whether you would like a paper copy of our newsletter The Peregrine mailed to your address, or whether you just want the digital copy of the newsletter online.

>>> PayPal Payment <<<
In the following window, choose the "Send" option to remit your payment.