Peregrine Newsletter

The Three Rivers Birding Club's newsletter The Peregrine is named for Pittsburgh's most spectacular resident bird. The Peregrine is published every other month on the months when there is no meeting, and each member is either mailed a paper copy to their home or emailed a digital copy to their comuter.

If you have any articles, activities, questions or comments about the newsletter, please send them to the editor of The Peregrine, Bob Mulvihill.

To view and print the newsletters, Adobe Acrobat Reader is required.

2025 Newsletters:

Archived Newsletters:

Peregrine Newsletter Copyright Statement:

Copyright © 2001-2025 — All rights reserved

All content in The Peregrine, the newsletter of the Three Rivers Birding Club, including, but not limited to photographs, text, and illustrations, is the property of the Three Rivers Birding Club, located in Western Pennsylvania, and its members, except where otherwise noted in the contents of the newsletter. No portion of the material in the newsletters including photographs and artwork may be copied, reproduced, or reused without the express written permission of the club committee members and/or, as appropriate, the particular club member. If you are interested in obtaining permission to use a photograph or any text or other material that appears in The Peregrine newsletters, please contact Bob Mulvihill, Editor.

Image Gallery

Mission of 3RBC

To gather in friendship, to enjoy the wonders of nature, and to share our passion for birds!

© Photo Credits:
Sherron Lynch, Tom Moeller, Brian Shema, Chuck Tague